



——  孙  剑  教  授  课  题  组  ——
孙杰 长聘副教授、博导

孙杰 长聘副教授、博导

性别 出生年月 1992.9
最终学历 工学博士 职称 长聘副教授、博导
E-mail jie_sun@tongji.edu.cn



孙杰,男,安徽无为人,1992年9月生,长聘副教授,国家优秀青年基金(海外)获得者。2019年博士毕业于同济大学交通运输工程学院,先后于澳大利亚昆士兰大学、香港科技大学从事博士后研究工作。主要研究领域为交通流理论与仿真、智能网联汽车、数据驱动的交通流建模等。在Transportation Research Part B/C、IEEE T-ITS等交通领域顶级期刊和国际会议共发表高质量论文30余篇。获海外华人交通协会(COTA)优秀博士论文奖、同济大学优秀博士论文奖等奖项。先后入选国家自然基金委优秀青年基金项目(海外)、上海领军人才(海外)计划。担任WTC人工智能与交通管理服务技术委员会委员。














  1.  Jie Sun, Hai Yang, 2024. Learning two-dimensional merging behaviour from vehicle trajectories with imitation learning. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 160, 104530.

  2.  Xiaohui Zhang, Jie Sun*, Zuduo Zheng, Jian Sun*, 2024. On the string stability of neural network-based car-following models: A generic analysis framework. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 160, 104525.

  3.  Jie Sun, Jiwon Kim, 2023. Toward data-driven simulation of network-wide traffic: A multi-agent imitation learning approach using urban vehicle trajectory data. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems.

  4.  Jie Sun, Zuduo Zheng, Anshuman Sharma, Jian Sun, 2023. Stability and extension of a car-following model for human-driven connected vehicles. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 155, 104317.

  5.  Xiaohui Zhang, Jie Sun, Yunpeng Wang, Jian Sun, 2023. A hierarchical framework for multi-lane autonomous driving based on reinforcement learning. IEEE Open Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems 4, 626-638.

  6.  Jie Sun, Zuduo Zheng, Jian Sun, 2023. Stability evolution of car-following models considering asymmetric driving behaviour. Transportation Research Record 2677(8), 361–371.

  7.  Yingjun Ye, Jie Sun, Jian Sun, 2023. Car-following characteristics of commercially available adaptive cruise control systems and their comparison to human drivers. Transportation Research Record 2677 (2), 1401-1414.

  8.  Jie Sun, Jiwon Kim, 2021. Joint prediction of next location and travel time from urban vehicle trajectories using long short-term memory neural networks. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 128, 103114.

  9.  Dongyao Jia, Jie Sun, Anshuman Sharma, Zuduo Zheng, Bingyi Liu, 2021. Integrated simulation platform for conventional, connected and automated driving: A design from cyber-physical systems perspective. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 124, 102984.

  10.  Jie Sun, Zuduo Zheng, Jian Sun, 2020. The relationship between car following instability and traffic oscillations in finite-sized platoons and its use in easing traffic congestion with connected and automated vehicles. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 142, 58-83.

  11.  Xiaoyun Chen, Jian Sun, Zian Ma, Jie Sun, Zuduo Zheng, 2020. Investigating the long and short-term driving characteristics and incorporating them into car-following models. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 117, 102698.

  12.  Xiaohui Zhang, Jie Sun, Xiao Qi, Jian Sun, 2019. Simultaneous modeling of car-following and lane-changing behaviors using deep learning. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 104, 287-304.

  13.  Jie Sun, Zuduo Zheng, Jian Sun, 2018. Stability analysis methods and their applicability to car-following models in conventional and connected environments. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 109, 212-237.

  14.  Xiuling Huang, Jie Sun, Jian Sun, 2018. A car-following model considering asymmetric driving behavior based on long short-term memory neural networks. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 95, 346-362.

  15.  Jie Sun, Jian Sun, 2016. Real-time crash prediction on urban expressways: identification of key variables and a hybrid support vector machine model. IET Intelligent Transport Systems 10(5), 331-337.

  16.  Jie Sun, Jian Sun, 2015. A dynamic Bayesian network model for real-time crash prediction using traffic speed conditions data. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 54, 176-186.

  17.  Jie Sun, Zhipeng Li, Jian Sun, 2015. Study on traffic characteristics for a typical expressway on-ramp bottleneck considering various merging behaviors. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 440, 57-67.

  18.  Jian Sun, Jie Sun, Peng Chen, 2014. Use of support vector machine models for real-time crash risk prediction on urban expressways. Transportation Research Record 2432, 91-98.

  19. 孙剑, 胡家琦, 孙杰. 城市快速路交织区通行能力估计模型. 中国公路学报, 2016, 29(4): 114-122.

  20. 贾丰源, 孙杰, 孙剑. 快速路交通流运行安全关键参数识别与评估. 同济大学学报(自然科学版), 2015, 43(2): 221-225.

  21. 孙剑, 孙杰. 城市快速路实时交通流运行安全主动风险评估. 同济大学学报(自然科学版), 2014, 42(6): 873-879.


  1.  Jie Sun, Hai Yang, 2023. Learning two-dimensional merging behaviour from vehicle trajectories with imitation learning. 26th International Conference of HKSTS.

  2.  Pan Han, Dongyao Jia, Jie Sun, Shangbo Wang, 2023. A novel hybrid car-following model combining kinetic dynamics and deep learning networks. IEEE the 8th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Engineering (ICITE).

  3.  Jie Sun, Jiwon Kim, 2023. Modelling driving behaviours at unsignalised intersection using multi-agent imitation learning. 102nd Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board.

  4.  Jie Sun, Zuduo Zheng, Jian Sun, 2023. Stability evolution of car-following models considering asymmetric driving behaviour. 102nd Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board.

  5.  Lin Lin, Jiwon Kim, Jie Sun, Sanhyang Ahn, 2023. Interpretable data-driven car following modelling with adversarial inverse reinforcement learning. 102nd Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board.

  6.  Yingjun Ye, Jie Sun, Jian Sun, 2022. Car-following characteristics of commercially available adaptive cruise control systems and their comparison to human drivers. 101st Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board.

  7.  Jie Sun, Jiwon Kim, 2021. Network-wide traffic simulation with multi-agent imitation learning. 42nd Australasian Transport Research Forum.

  8.  Jie Sun, Jiwon Kim, 2021. Joint prediction of next location and travel time from urban vehicle trajectories using long short-term memory neural networks. 100th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board. Washington, D.C.

  9.  Yingjun Ye, Jie Sun, Jian Sun, 2020. Understanding the trigger of breakdown at tunnel sag section and exploring the cause with an improved car-following model. CICTP 2020: Transportation Evolution Impacting Future Mobility, 4508-4521.

  10.  Xiaoyun Chen, Jian Sun, Zian Ma, Jie Sun, Zuduo Zheng, 2020. Investigating the long and short-term driving characteristics and incorporating them into car-following models. 99th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board. Washington, D.C.

  11.  Xiuling Huang, Jie Sun, Jian Sun, 2019. Asymmetric driving behaviour analysis using field trajectories. Urban Transport XXV 186, 73-84.

  12.  Jie Sun, Jian Sun, 2018. Investigating the oscillation characteristics and mitigating its impact with low-penetration connected and automated vehicles. 2018 IEEE 21st International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Maui, Hawaii, 2339-2345.

  13.  Jian Sun, Jianbing Wang, Jie Sun, 2014. Safety influencing factor assessment of expressway exit ramps in shanghai. 93rd Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board. Washington, D.C.


  • 一种高等级道路交通流运行风险实时预估方法


  • 国家自然基金委优秀青年基金(海外),2023

  • 上海领军人才(海外),2022

  • 同济大学优秀博士论文,2021

  • COTA优秀博士论文,2020

  • 同济大学优秀毕业生,2019

  • 《中国公路学报》优秀论文二等奖,2018


  • Hong Kong Research Grant Council Theme-based Project: A high-performance distributed machine learning framework for graph-based streaming data with smart city applications (T41-603/20-R). 2023. 

  • Australian Research Council DECRA Project: Data-driven simulation of large traffic networks using trajectory data (DE190101020), 2020-2023.

  • Australian Research Council DECRA Project: Modelling mixed traffic flow of manual, connected, and autonomous vehicles (DE160100449), 2016-2019.

  • 国家自然科学基金重点项目:智能汽车路径规划与自主决策理论及关键技术(U1764261),2018-2019.

  • 上海市科委国际科技合作项目:面向智能汽车快速测试与自我学习的交通仿真系统研究(16510711400),2016-2019.

  • 国家自然科学基金优青项目:交通系统仿真与实验(51422812),2015-2017.

  • 国家自然科学基金面上项目:城市快速路多瓶颈点阻塞判别及演化机理研究(51278362),2013-2016.

  • 教育部新世纪人才项目:城市快速路主动交通管理理论及平行试验(NCET13-0425),2014-2016.



  • WTC 人工智能与交通管理服务技术委员会 委员

  • 中国公路学会 会员

  • 中国仿真学会 会员


  • 分会场主席, Australasian Transport Research Forum, 2021


担任Transportation Research Part C、IEEE T-ITS、IEEE T-IV、Transportmetrica A/B、JAT、IET ITS、TRR、Scientific Reports等三十余个国际期刊和会议审稿人。

电话:021-69583650  管理员邮箱:2015qgy@tongji.edu.cn  
地址:上海市曹安公路4800号同济大学交通运输工程学院A440  邮编:201804

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