



——  孙  剑  教  授  课  题  组  ——
杭鹏 特聘研究员、副教授、博导

杭鹏 特聘研究员、副教授、博导

性别 出生年月 1991-09
最终学历 博士 职称 特聘研究员、副教授、博导
E-mail hangpeng@tongji.edu.cn




主要研究智能网联汽车决策、规划与控制、协同自动驾驶、车路协同等。在IEEE Trans.等国际期刊会议发表高水平论文70余篇、授权发明专利9项、出版英文著作2部、SAE EDGE 研究报告1项。曾获日内瓦国际发明展金奖、IJAT-Springer Award、 Electronics Travel Awards、同济大学优秀博士论文、APAC优秀会议论文等荣誉。目前担任CAA车辆控制与智能化专业委员会委员、智能车工作委员会委员、《IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology》、 《Journal of Field Robotics》等4个国际期刊副主编,《汽车工程》、《中国公路学报》等4个国内期刊客座副主编或青年编委、IEEE ITSC、IEEE IV、SAE WCX等国际会议分会主席与专题负责人。







2014.09~2019.06 同济大学,车辆工程,博士

2010.09~2014.07 华东理工大学,机械工程(优秀生班),学士


2022.06 至今         同济大学,交通运输工程学院,特聘研究员、副教授、博导

2020.02~2022.05 新加坡南洋理工大学,机器人研究中心,博士后研究员

2019.08~2020.01 上汽集团,前瞻技术研究部,软件工程师

2018.07~2018.10 新加坡国立大学,控制工程系,访问学者


  1. P. Hang, C. Lv, and X. Chen, “Human-Like Decision Making and Control for Autonomous Driving,” Taylor & Francis CRC Press, 2022. ISBN: 9781003287087.


  1. S. Fang, P. Hang*, C. Wei, Y. Xing, J. Sun, "Cooperative Driving of Connected Autonomous Vehicles in Heterogeneous Mixed Traffic: A Game Theoretic Approach", IEEE Trans. Intell. Veh., DOI: 10.1109/TIV.2024.3399694, 2024.

  2. M. Dang, Y. Jin, P. Hang, L. Crosato, Y. Sun, C. Wei, "Coupling intention and actions of vehicle–pedestrian interaction: A virtual reality experiment study", Accident Analysis & Prevention, DOI: 10.1016/j.aap.2024.107639, 2024.

  3. J. Liu, X. Qi, P. Hang*, J. Sun, "Enhancing Social Decision-Making of Autonomous Vehicles: A Mixed-Strategy Game Approach With Interaction Orientation Identification", IEEE Trans. Veh. Technol., DOI: 10.1109/TVT.2024.3385750, 2024.

  4. L. Wang, H. Qin, P. Hang, C. Chen, M. Hu, Y. Bian, "Cyber-Physical-Level Safe Control of Intelligent and Connected Vehicles With Unreliable Communication and Actuator Faults", IEEE Trans. Intell. Veh., DOI: 10.1109/TIV.2024.3397268, 2024.

  5. Y. Xing, Z. Hu, X. Mo, P. Hang, S. Li, Y. Liu, Y. Zhao, C. Lv, "Driver Steering Behaviour Modelling Based on Neuromuscular Dynamics and Multi-Task Time-Series Transformer", Automotive Innovation, DOI: 10.1007/s42154-023-00272-x, 2024.

  6. Y. Zhang, S. Lou, P. Hang, W. Huang, L. Yang, C. Lv, "Interactive Prediction and Decision-Making for Autonomous Vehicles: Online Active Learning with Traffic Entropy Minimization", IEEE Trans. Intell. Transp. Syst., DOI: 10.1109/TITS.2024.3419003, 2024.

  7. X. Cai, X. Bai, Z. Cui, P. Hang, H. Yu, Y. Ren, "Adversarial Stress Test for Autonomous Vehicle via Series Reinforcement Learning Tasks with Reward Shaping", IEEE Trans. Intell. Veh., DOI: 10.1109/TIV.2024.3418887, 2024.

  8. A. Kong, P. Hang*, Y. Tang, X. Wu, X. Chen, "A Comprehensive High-Level Automated Driving Assistance System with Integrated Multi-functionality", IET Smart Cities, DOI: 10.1049/smc2.12076, 2024.

  9. C. Chen, X. Chen, C. Guo, P. Hang*, "Trajectory Prediction for Autonomous Driving Based on Structural Informer Method", IEEE Trans. Autom. Sci. Eng., DOI: 10.1109/TASE.2023.3342978, 2023.

  10. Y. Xing, Z. Hu, P. Hang, C. Lv, "A Parallel Time Series Modeling Framework for Forecasting and Fault Detection on Intelligent Vehicles", IEEE Trans. Intell. Veh., DOI: 10.1109/TIV.2023.3342648, 2023.

  11. J. Liu, D. Zhou, P. Hang*, Y. Ni, J. Sun, "Towards Socially Responsive Autonomous Vehicles: A Reinforcement Learning Framework with Driving Priors and Coordination Awareness", IEEE Trans. Intell. Veh., DOI: 10.1109/TIV.2023.3332080, 2023.

  12. P. Hang, Y. Zhang, C. Lv, "Brain-Inspired Modelling and Decision-Making for Human-Like Autonomous Driving in Mixed Traffic Environment", IEEE Trans. Intell. Transp. Syst., vol. 24, no. 10, pp. 10420–10432, 2023.

  13. Y. Zhang, G. Zhou, P. Hang, C. Huang, H. Huang, "An Enhanced Backtracking Search Algorithm for the Flight Planning of a Multi-drones-assisted Commercial Parcel Delivery System", IEEE Trans. Intell. Transp. Syst., vol. 24, no. 10, pp. 11396–11409, 2023.

  14. C. Huang, Y. Wang, P. Hang, Z. Zuo, B. Leng, "Advanced Sensing and Safety Control for Connected and Automated Vehicles", Sensors, vol. 23, no. 2, Article ID: 1037, 2023.

  15. Z. Yan, X. Chen, M. Yan, P. Hang*, "Design and Optimization of a Novel Electronic Mechanical Brake Actuator Based on Cam", Actuators, vol. 12, no. 8, Article ID: 329, 2023.

  16. P. Hang, C. Huang, Z. Hu, C. Lv, “Decision making for connected automated vehicles at urban intersections considering social and individual benefits”, IEEE Trans. Intell. Transp. Syst., vol. 23, no. 11, pp. 22549–22562, 2022.

  17. P. Hang, C. Huang, Z. Hu, C. Lv, “Driving conflict resolution of autonomous vehicles at unsignalized intersections: a differential game approach”, IEEE ASME Trans. Mechatron., vol. 27, no. 6, pp. 5136–5146, 2022.

  18. P. Hang, Y. Zhang, N. de Boer, C. Lv, “Conflict resolution for connected automated vehicles at unsignalized roundabouts considering personalized driving behaviours,” Green Energy Intell. Transp., vol. 1, Article ID: 100003, 2022.

  19. P. Hang, X. Xia, G. Chen, and X. Chen, “Active safety control of automated electric vehicles at driving limits: a tube-based MPC approach,” IEEE Trans. Transp. Electrif., vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 1338–1349, 2022. (ESI Highly Cited Paper)

  20. P. Hang, C. Lv, C. Huang, Y. Xing, and Z. Hu, “Cooperative decision making of connected automated vehicles at multi-lane merging zone: a coalitional game approach,” IEEE Trans. Intell. Transp. Syst., vol. 23, no. 4, pp. 3829–3841, 2022.

  21. P. Hang, and X. Chen, “Active safety control of X-by-wire electric vehicles: a survey,” SAE Intl. J. Vehicle Dyn. Stability NVH, vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 115–133, 2022.

  22. P. Hang, X. Chen, “Towards active safety driving: controller design of an active rear steering system for intelligent vehicles,” Machines, vol. 10, no. 7, Article ID: 544, 2022.

  23. P. Hang, B. Lou, C. Lv, “Nonlinear predictive motion control for autonomous mobile robots considering active fault-tolerant control and regenerative braking,” Sensors, vol. 22, no. 10, Article ID: 3939, 2022.

  24. Y. Tian, Q. Yao, P. Hang, and S. Wang, “Adaptive coordinated path tracking control strategy for autonomous vehicles with direct yaw moment control,” Chin. J. Mech. Eng. Engl. Ed., vol. 35, no. 1, pp. 1–15, 2022. (CJME创刊35周年优秀论文)

  25. Y. Tian, Q. Yao, P. Hang, and S. Wang, “A gain-scheduled robust controller for autonomous vehicles path tracking based on LPV system with MPC and H∞,” IEEE Trans. Veh. Technol., vol. 71, no. 9, pp. 9350– 9362, 2022.

  26. C. Huang, C. Lv, P. Hang, Z. Hu, and Y. Xing, “Human-machine adaptive shared control for safe automated driving under automation,” IEEE Intell. Transp. Syst. Mag., vol. 14, no. 2, pp. 53–66, 2022.

  27. Z. Hu, C. Lv, P. Hang, C. Huang, and Y. Xing, “Data-driven estimation of driver attention using calibration-free eye gaze and scene features,” IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 69, no. 2, pp. 1800–1808, 2022. (ESI Highly Cited Paper)

  28. Y. Zhang, P. Hang, C. Huang, and C. Lv, “Human-like interactive behavior generation for autonomous vehicles: a bayesian game-theoretic approach with Turing test”, Adv. Intell. Syst., vol. 4, no. 5, Article ID: 2100211, 2022.

  29. C. Lv, P. Hang, Y. Xing, A.T. Nguyen, A. Jolfaei, “Guest Editorial: Decision Making and Control for Connected and Automated Vehicles”, IET Intel. Transport Syst., doi: 10.1049/itr2.12282, 2022.

  30. P. Hang, C. Lv, Y. Xing, C. Huang, and Z. Hu, “Human-like decision making for autonomous driving: a noncooperative game theoretic approach,” IEEE Trans. Intell. Transp. Syst., vol. 22, no. 4, pp. 2076–2087, 2021. (ESI Highly Cited Paper)

  31. P. Hang, X. Xia, and X. Chen, “Handling stability advancement with 4WS and DYC coordinated control: a gain-scheduled robust control approach,” IEEE Trans. Veh. Technol., vol. 70, no. 4, pp. 3164–3174, 2021.

  32. P. Hang, C. Huang, Z. Hu, Y. Xing, and C. Lv, “Decision making of connected automated vehicles at an unsignalized roundabout considering personalized driving behaviours,” IEEE Trans. Veh. Technol., vol. 70, no. 5, pp. 4051–4064, 2021.

  33. X. Xia, P. Hang*, N. Xu, Y. Huang, L. Xiong, and Z. Yu, “Advancing estimation accuracy of sideslip angle by fusing vehicle kinematics and dynamics information with fuzzy logic,” IEEE Trans. Veh. Technol., vol. 70, no. 7, pp. 6577–6590, 2021.

  34. P. Hang, X. Chen, and W. Wang, “Cooperative control framework for human driver and active rear steering system to advance active safety,” IEEE Trans. Intell. Veh., vol. 6, no. 3, pp. 460–469, 2021.

  35. P. Hang, and X. Chen, “Towards autonomous driving: review and perspectives on configuration and control of four-wheel independent drive/steering electric vehicles,” Actuators, vol. 10, no. 8, Article ID: 184, 2021.

  36. P. Hang, and X. Chen, “Path tracking control of 4-wheel-steering autonomous ground vehicles based on linear parameter-varying system with experimental verification,” Proc IMechE, Part I: J. Syst. Control Eng., vol. 235, no. 3, pp. 411–423, 2021.

  37. P. Hang, S. Huang, X. Chen, and K. K. Tan, “Path planning of collision avoidance for unmanned ground vehicles: a nonlinear model predictive control approach,” Proc IMechE, Part I: J. Syst. Control Eng., vol. 235, no. 2, pp. 222–236, 2021.

  38. C. Huang, P. Hang, Z. Hu, and C. Lv, “Collision-probability-aware human-machine cooperative planning for safe automated driving,” IEEE Trans. Veh. Technol., vol. 70, no. 10, pp. 9752–9763, 2021.

  39. C. Huang, H. Huang, J. Zhang, P. Hang, Z. Hu, and C. Lv, “Human-machine cooperative trajectory planning and tracking for safe automated driving,” IEEE Trans. Intell. Transp. Syst., doi: 10.1109/TITS.2021.3109596, 2021.

  40. Y. Xing, C. Lv, D. Cao, and P. Hang, “Toward human-vehicle collaboration: survey and perspectives on human behaviors and cognition for automated driving,” Transp. Res. Part C Emerg. Technol., vol. 128, Article ID: 103199, 2021.

  41. C. Huang, H. Huang, P. Hang, H. Gao, J. Wu, Z. Huang, and C. Lv, “Personalized trajectory planning and control of lane-change maneuvers for autonomous driving,” IEEE Trans. Veh. Technol., vol. 70, no. 6, pp. 5511–5523, 2021.

  42. C. Huang, C. Lv, P. Hang, and Y. Xing, “Towards safe and personalized autonomous driving: decision-making and motion control with DPF and CDT techniques,” IEEE ASME Trans. Mechatron., vol. 26, no. 2, pp. 611–620, 2021.

  43. Z. Hu, Y. Xing, C. Lv, P. Hang, and J. Liu, “Deep convolutional neural network-based Bernoulli heatmap for head pose estimation,” Neurocomputing, vol. 436, pp. 198–209, 2021.

  44. Y. Xing, C. Lv, X. Mo, Z. Hu, C. Huang, and P. Hang, “Toward safe and smart mobility: energy-aware deep learning for driving behavior analysis and prediction of connected vehicles,” IEEE Trans. Intell. Transp. Syst., vol. 22, no. 7, pp. 4267–4280, 2021.

  45. D. Zhang, C. Lv, T. Yang, and P. Hang, “Cyber-attack detection for autonomous vehicles through state estimation of vehicle dynamics,” Automotive Innovation, vol. 4, pp. 262–273, 2021.

  46. P. Hang, C. Lv, C. Huang, J. Cai, Z. Hu, and Y. Xing, “An integrated framework of decision making and motion planning for autonomous vehicles considering social behaviors,” IEEE Trans. Veh. Technol., vol. 69, no. 12, pp. 14458–14469, 2020.

  47. P. Hang, X. Chen, and F. Luo, “LPV/H∞ controller design for path tracking of autonomous ground vehicles through four-wheel steering and direct yaw-moment control,” Int. J. Automot. Technol., vol. 20, no. 4, pp. 679–691, 2019. (IJAT-Springer Award)

  48. P. Hang, and X. Chen, “Integrated chassis control algorithm design for path tracking based on four-wheel steering and direct yaw-moment control,” Proc IMechE, Part I: J. Syst. Control Eng., vol. 233, no. 6, pp. 625–641, 2019.

  49. P. Hang, X. Chen, S. Fang, and F. Luo, “Robust control for four-wheel-independent-steering electric vehicle with steer-by-wire system,” Int. J. Automot. Technol., vol. 18, no. 5, pp. 785–797, 2017.

  50. P. Hang, X. Chen, F. Luo, and S. Fang, “Robust control of a four-wheel-independent-steering electric vehicle for path tracking,” SAE Intl. J. Vehicle Dyn. Stability NVH, vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 307–316, 2017.

  51. X. Chen, P. Hang, W. Wang, and Y. Li, “Design and analysis of a novel wheel type continuously variable transmission,” Mech. Mach. Theory, vol. 107, pp. 13–26, 2017.

  52. 倪颖, 齐骁, 杭鹏, 周东浩, 孙剑. 无保护左转环境下自动驾驶汽车交互策略分析. 中国公路学报, 36(9): 271–287, 2023.

  53. 严周栋, 杭鹏, 陈重璞, 乔依然, 薛卡, 陈辛波. 分布式电驱动装载机驱动防滑控制. 汽车工程, 45(10):1944–1953, 2023.

  54. 杭鹏, 陈辛波, 张榜,等. 四轮独立转向-独立驱动电动车主动避障路径规划与跟踪控制. 汽车工程, 41(2):170176, 2019. (中国知网“三高”(高PCSI 、高被引、高下载)论文)

  55. 陈辛波, 罗杰, 杭鹏, 等. 某新型线控转向系统的自适应模糊滑模控制. 汽车工程, 40(5): 568574, 2018.

  56. 陈辛波, 杭鹏, 吴宪,等. 轴距可变微型电动车整车构型与性能分析. 汽车工程, 39(6):636641&682, 2017.

  57. 陈辛波, 杭鹏, 王叶枫,等. 电动汽车轮边减速驱动系统转矩检测方法. 同济大学学报:自然科学版, 44(2): 286–290&316, 2016.


  1. S. Fang, J. Sun, and P. Hang*, “A Game Theoretic Cooperative Driving Framework for Heterogeneous Mixed-traffic Un-signalized Intersection”, in TRB Annual Meeting 2024, Washington, DC, US, 2024.

  2. J. Liu, X. Qi, Y. Ni, J. Sun, P. Hang*, “Teaching Autonomous Vehicles to Express Interaction Intent during Unprotected Left Turns: A Human-Driving-Prior-Based Trajectory Planning Approach”, in TRB Annual Meeting 2024, Washington, DC, US, 2024.

  3. S. Fang, P. Hang*, and J. Sun, “A real-time cooperative driving framework for un-signalized intersection”, in 7th CAA International Conference on Vehicular Control and Intelligence (CVCI 2023), Changsha, China, 2023.

  4. J. Liu, P. Hang*, X. Qi, J. Wang, and J. Sun, MTD-GPT: A Multi-Task Decision-Making GPT Model for Autonomous Driving at Unsignalized Intersections,” in 26th IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference (IEEE ITSC 2023), Bilbao, Spain, 2023.

  5. P. Hang, C. Lv, C. Huang, and Z. Hu, “Cooperative decision making of lane-change for automated vehicles considering human-like driving characteristics,” in Proceedings of the 40th Chinese Control Conference, Shanghai, China, 2021.

  6. J. Cai, P. Hang, and C. Lv, “Game theoretic modeling and decision making for connected vehicle interactions at urban intersections,” in 2021 IEEE International Conference on Advanced Robotics and Mechatronics, Chongqing, Chian, 2021.

  7. J. Wu, Z. Huang, P. Hang, C. Huang, N. de Boer, and C. Lv, “Digital twin-enabled reinforcement learning for end-to-end autonomous driving,” in 2021 IEEE 1st International Conference on Digital Twins and Parallel Intelligence, Beijing, Chian, 2021. (Outstanding Student Paper Award)

  8. P. Hang, C. Lv, C. Huang, Y. Xing, Z. Hu, and J. Cai, “Human-like lane-change decision making for automated driving with a game theoretic approach”, in 4th CAA International Conference on Vehicular Control and Intelligence (CVCI 2020), Hangzhou, China, 2020, pp. 708–713.

  9. C. Huang, P. Hang, J. Wu, A. T. Nguyen, and C. Lv, “Reference-free human-automation shared control for obstacle avoidance of automated vehicles,” in 2020 IEEE International Conference on SMC, Toronto, Canada, 2020, pp. 4398–4403.

  10. X. Chen, Y. Peng, P. Hang, and T. Tang, “Path tracking control of four-wheel independent steering electric vehicles based on optimal control,” in Proceedings of the 39th Chinese Control Conference, Shenyang, China, 2020,pp. 5436–5442.

  11. X. Chen, Y. Han, and P. Hang, “Researches on 4WIS-4WID stability with LQR coordinated 4WS and DYC,” in 26th IAVSD Symposium on Dynamics of Vehicles on Roads and Tracks, Gothenburg, Sweden, 2019, pp. 1508–1516.

  12. P. Hang, Y. Han, X. Chen, and B. Zhang, “Design of an active collision avoidance system for a 4WIS-4WID electric vehicle,” in 5th IFAC Conference on Engine and Powertrain Control, Simulation and Modeling, Changchun, China, 2018, pp. 771–777.

  13. P. Hang, X. Chen, B. Zhang, and T. Tang, “Longitudinal velocity tracking control of a 4WID electric vehicle,” in 5th IFAC Conference on Engine and Powertrain Control, Simulation and Modeling, Changchun, China, 2018, pp. 790–795.

  14. X. Chen, P. Xie, P. Hang, P. Shi, W. Chen, and Y. Shen, “Algorithm design of truck turning warning system,” in Proceeding of the 15th International Forum of Automotive Traffic Safety, Chongqing, China, 2018, pp. 308–320.

  15. Y. Li, B. Zhang, X. Chen, and P. Hang, “Research on path tracking control of four-wheel-independent-steering electric vehicle based on co-simulation of Carsim/Simulink,” in Proceedings of the 37th Chinese Control Conference, Wuhan, China, 2018, pp. 1096–1102.

  16. P. Hang, X. Chen, and F. Luo, “Path-tracking controller design for a 4WIS and 4WID electric vehicle with steer-by-wire system,” in SAE 2017 Intelligent and Connected Vehicles Symposium, Kunshan, China, 2017.

  17. P. Hang, F. Luo, S. Fang, and X. Chen, “Path tracking control of a four-wheel-independent-steering electric vehicle based on model predictive control,” in Proceedings of the 36th Chinese Control Conference, Dalian, China, 2017, pp. 9360–9366.

  18. J. Luo, P. Hang, F. Luo, L. Wu, and X. Chen, “Sliding mode-based learning control for a novel steering-by-wire system,” in Proceedings of the 36th Chinese Control Conference, Dalian, China, 2017, pp. 3627–3634.

  19. X. Chen, F. Luo, P. Hang, and J. Luo, “Steering mode switch control of four-wheel-independent-steering electric vehicle,” in 19th ASIA Pacific Automotive Engineering Conference, Shanghai, China, 2017, pp. 437–453.  (Award of Excellent Paper)

  20. P. Hang, X. Chen, S. Fang, and F. Luo, “Controller design of steer-by-wire 4WIS electric vehicle with various steering modes,” in Proceedings of the FISITA 2016 World Automotive Congress, Busan, Korea, 2016.

  21. X. Chen, S. Fang, P. Hang, F. Luo, and X. Wu, “The steering modes switching control of four wheels independently steering-by-wire vehicle based on path planning,” in FISITA 2016 World Automotive Congress, Busan, Korea, 2016



  • 国家自然科学基金 (52302502),人机混驾冲突场景下考虑主动交互的CAV协同决策方法研究,2024-2026,主持

  • 智能绿色车辆与交通全国重点实验室开放基金重点项目 (KFZ2408),复杂人机混驾场景下网联自动驾驶汽车协同决策,2024-2025,主持

  • 中国科协“青年人才托举工程” (2022QNRC001),人机混驾智能协同决策,2023-2024,主持

  • 中央高校学科交叉联合攻关项目 (2023-4-YB-09),混合多主体智能交通系统安全理论与技术,2023-2025,主持

  • 上海市2023年度“科技创新行动计划”社会发展科技攻关项目 (23DZ1203400),基于多模态传感的自动驾驶关键技术及应用示范,2024-2026,项目高级研究人员

  • 国家重点研发计划课题 (2022YFB2502901),开放驾驶场景理解与自主决策迭代学习,2022-2025,项目骨干

  • 中央高校学科交叉重点项目 (2022-5-ZD-02),自动驾驶群集智能理论与方法,2022-2024,项目骨干



  • 委员, CAA车辆控制与智能化专业委员会

  • 委员, CAA智能车工作委员会


  • 副主编 (AE), IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 2023~至今. (Q1, IF: 6.8)

  • 副主编 (AE), IET Smart Cities, 2023~至今. (Q2, IF: 3.1)

  • 副主编 (AE), Journal of Field Robotics, 2022~至今. (Q1, IF: 8.3)

  • 副主编 (AE), SAE International Journal of Vehicle Dynamics, Stability, and NVH, 2021~至今. (Q3, IF: 1.7)

  • 青年编委, 《中国公路学报》, 2024~至今. 

  • 青年编委, Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 2024~至今. (Q2, IF: 4.2)

  • 青年编委, Green Energy and Intelligent Transportation, 2024~至今.

  • 执行编辑, SAE International , 2023~至今.

  • 特邀客座副主编,《汽车工程》专题:协同自动驾驶决策与控制技术,2022

  • 客座编辑, Special Issue on “Advancements in Safety-Critical Control for Autonomous Intelligent Systems” at International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems, 2024.

  • 客座主编, Special Issue on “Interaction, Cooperation and Competition of Autonomous Vehicles” at Journal of Advanced Transportation, 2023.

  • 客座编辑, Special Issue on “Decision Making and Control for Connected and Automated Vehicles” at IET Intelligent Transport Systems, 2021.

  • 客座编辑, Special Issue on “Advanced Measurement and Control Technique for Intelligent Vehicles” at Journal of Advanced Transportation, 2021.

  • 客座编辑, Special Issue on “Recent advancements on cooperative state estimation and control for connected autonomous vehicles” at Autonomous Intelligent Systems, 2021.


  • 分会主席, 25th IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference (IEEE ITSC 2022), 2022.

  • 分会主席, 6th CAA International Conference on Vehicular Control and Intelligent, 2022.

  • 分会主席, 5th CAA International Conference on Vehicular Control and Intelligent, 2021.

  • 副主编 (AE), 5th CAA International Conference on Vehicular Control and Intelligent, 2021.

  • 专题负责人, Special Session on “Cooperative Driving Technology for Connected Automated Vehicles” at 27th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (IEEE ITSC 2024), 2024.

  • 专题负责人, Workshop on “Development of Socially-Compliant Driving for AVs to Enhance Safety and Efficiency in Mixed Traffic” at 2023 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV) (IV2023), 2023

  • 专题负责人, Special Session on “Autonomous driving perception, motion planning, and control” at 2023 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2023), 2023

  • 专题负责人, Special Session on “Active Safety Control for Autonomous Electric Vehicles” at 25th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (IEEE ITSC 2022), 2022.

  • 专题负责人, Special Session on “Interaction, Cooperation and Competition in Decision-Making and Motion Planning of Autonomous Vehicles” at 6th CAA International Conference on Vehicular Control and Intelligent, 2022.

  • 专题负责人, Special Session on “Decision Making and Control of Autonomous Vehicles” at 5th CAA International Conference on Vehicular Control and Intelligent, 2021.




担任IEEE Internet of Things Journal、IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems、IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology、IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics、IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics、IEEE Transactions on Robotics、IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles、IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine等50余个国际期刊、会议的审稿人。



  • 第十九届全国大学生交通运输科技大赛,一等奖,指导老师

  • 第二十三届同济大学交通科技大赛,二等奖,指导老师

  • 同济大学第八届“卓越杯”暨第十八届“挑战杯”全国大学生课外学术科技作品竞赛校内选拔赛 ,一等奖,指导老师

  • 大学生创新训练计划项目:国家级1项(2023)、上海市级2项(2023、2024



电话:021-69583650  管理员邮箱:2015qgy@tongji.edu.cn  
地址:上海市曹安公路4800号同济大学交通运输工程学院A440  邮编:201804

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