



——  孙  剑  教  授  课  题  组  ——
岳李圣飒 助理教授 博导

岳李圣飒 助理教授 博导

性别 出生年月 1992-01
最终学历 博士 职称 助理教授 博导
E-mail 2014yuelishengsa@tongji.edu.cn



岳李圣飒,男,1992年1月生。获中佛罗里达大学、同济大学双博士学位。现任同济大学交通运输工程学院副教授。主要研究方向为智能网联车人机交互与协同、驾驶行为建模与仿真。主持美国交通部科研项目2项,国家自然科学基金1项、国家重点研发计划子课题1项,省部级项目2项。获上海市海外领军人才计划、教育部海外博后引才计划资助。发表SCI论文30余篇。担任Transportation Research Record、Accident Analysis and Prevention 编辑/客座编辑、美国TRB 车辆人因工程委员会委员、CAA车辆控制与智能化专业委员会委员、智能车工作委员会委员




2017-2020  中佛罗里达大学土木工程交通专业  获博士学位

2014-2020  同济大学交通运输工程专业 获博士学位

2010-2014  同济大学交通工程专业 获学士学位


2022 – 今  同济大学  助理教授、副教授  

2020- 2022 中佛罗里达大学 博士后研究员


  1. Shi,  J., Yue, L*,  Zhang,  Z., & Jia,  T. (2025). Improving Driving Performance in Difficult Driving Scenarios Using Personalized Real-Time Neurofeedback. 27th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction. 

  2. Sun, Y., Yue, L*., Chen, Z. (2025). Over-trust Identification in Conditionally Autonomous Vehicle Using Transformer-LSTM Based on Low-interference Indicators. Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington D.C. 

  3. Yin, H., Yue, L*., Gong, Y., Li, P., & Huang, Y. (2024). Personalized lane departure warning based on non-stationary crossformer and kernel density estimation. Alexandria Engineering Journal, 109, 856-870.

  4. Sun, Y., Yue, L*, Sun, Y., Li, W. (2024). Adaptive Autonomous Driving Style Considering Human Trust, 8th CAA International Conference on Vehicular Control and Intelligence (CVCI). IEEE.

  5. Zhu, Y., Yue, L*, Sun, J. (2024).Modeling the driver's lane-changing decision under the influence of the blind zone image of an intelligent vehicle: a practice based on cognitive-driven large language model, 8th CAA International Conference on Vehicular Control and Intelligence (CVCI). IEEE.

  6. 孙剑,阳友康,岳李圣飒*,韩嘉懿,王子衿,尹恒(2024),考虑人机信任匹配的人机协同控制算法,同济大学学报

  7. 岳李圣飒*,潘昱蓉,孙剑,朱奕昕,崔晓烨,李奕劼(2024),智能汽车变道盲区影像对驾驶员认知负荷与安全性的影响,同济大学学报

  8. Li, P., Chen, S., Yue, L., Xu, Y., & Noyce, D. A. (2024). Analyzing relationships between latent topics in autonomous vehicle crash narratives and crash severity using natural language processing techniques and explainable XGBoost. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 203, 107605.

  9. Gao, Y., Yue, L*., Sun, J., Shan, X., Liu, Y., & Wu, X. (2024). WorkloadGPT: A Large Language Model Approach to Real-Time Detection of Pilot Workload. Applied Sciences, 14(18), 8274.

  10. Zhu, Y., Yue, L*., Zhang, Q., & Sun, J. (2024). Modeling distracted driving behavior considering cognitive processes. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 202, 107602.

  11. Yu, B., Gao, K., Cheng, Z., Chen, Y., & Yue, L. (2024). A Human-Like Visual Perception System for Autonomous Vehicles Using a Neuron-Triggered Hybrid Unsupervised Deep Learning Method. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems.

  12. Yan, Z., Yue, L*., & Sun, J. (2023). High-resolution reconstruction of non-motorized trajectory in shared space: A new approach integrating the social force model and particle filtering. Expert Systems with Applications, 233, 120753.

  13. Yue, L*., Abdel-Aty, M., Zaki, M. H., Zheng, O., Wu, Y., & Yu, B. (2023). Understanding e-bicycle overtaking strategy: insights from inverse reinforcement learning modeling. Transportmetrica A: Transport Science, 1-27.

  14. Rao, H., Zhang, D., Qin, G., Yue, L., & Sun, J. (2023). Investigating the intra-driver heterogeneity in car following behavior based on large-scale naturalistic driving study. Transportmetrica B: Transport Dynamics, 11(1), 1363-1383.

  15. Zheng, O., Abdel-Aty, M., Yue, L*., Abdelraouf,A., Wang,Z., Mahmoud,N. (2023). CitySim: A Drone-Based Vehicle Trajectory Dataset for Safety Oriented Research and Digital Twins. Transportation Research Record (In press)

  16. Abdel-Aty, M., Yue, L*., Wu, Y., Zheng, O. (2022). Investigating the Effects of P2V Human-Machine Interface Design Using Driving Simulator Experiment, Transportation Research Record, 03611981221091552.

  17. Yin, L., Chen, X., & Yue, L. (2022). Extracting Overtaking Segments by Unsupervised Clustering and Predicting Non-motorized Vehicle’s Trajectory, Journal of Advanced Transportation

  18. Yue, L*., Abdel-Aty, M., & Wang, Z. (2022). Effects of connected and autonomous vehicle merging behavior on mainline human-driven vehicle. Journal of Intelligent and Connected Vehicles, 5(1): 36-45.

  19. Wang, Z., Yue, L*., Abdel-Aty, M., Zhu, J., Zheng, O., & Zaki, M. (2022) Cooperative Driving at Non-Signalized Intersection in a Mixed Traffic Environment: A Co-Simulation Based Multi-Driver Driving Simulator Study, 101th Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC.

  20. Yue, L*., Abdel-Aty, M., Wu, Y., Jorge U., & Yuan, C. (2021). Effects of Forward Collision Warning in Different Pre-Crash Scenarios. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 76, 336-352.

  21. Yin, L., Chen, X., & Yue, L. (2021), Prediction of Non-Motorized Vehicle’s Overtaking Trajectory on Shared Bicycle Lane. The 100th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington D.C., U.S.

  22. Yuan, J., Abdel-Aty, M., Fu, J., Wu, Y., Yue, L., & Eluru, N. (2021). Developing safety performance functions for freeways at different aggregation levels using multi-state microscopic traffic detector data. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 151, 105984.

  23. Lee, J., Mao, S., Abdel-Aty, M., Lian, Y., Yue, L., & Yun, I. (2021). Association between Truck Crashes due to Mechanical Failure and Truck Age. Journal of Advanced Transportation.

  24. Yue, L*., Abdel-Aty, M. A., Wu, Y., & Yuan, J. (2020). An Augmentation Function for Active Pedestrian Safety System Based on Crash Risk Evaluation. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 69(11), 12459-12469.

  25. Yue, L*., Abdel-Aty, M., Wu, Y., Hasan, S., & Zheng, O. (2020). Identifying Pedestrian Crash Contributing Factors Using Association Analysis and Their Implications for Development of Active Pedestrian Safety System. Transportation research record, 2674(8), 861-874.

  26. Yuan, J., Abdel-Aty, M. A., Yue, L., & Cai, Q. (2020). Modeling Real-Time Cycle-Level Crash Risk at Signalized Intersections Based on High-Resolution Event-Based Data. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 22(11), 6700-6715.

  27. Yue, L*., Abdel-Aty, M., Wu, Y., Yuan, J., & Morris, M. (2020). Influence of Pedestrian-to-Vehicle Technology on Drivers’ Response and Safety Benefits Considering Pre-Crash Conditions. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 73, 50-65.

  28. Yue, L., Abdel-Aty, M., Wu, Y., Zheng, O., & Yuan, J. (2020). In-depth Approach for Identifying Crash Causation Patterns and Its Implications for Pedestrian Crash Prevention. Journal of Safety Research, 73, 119-132.

  29. Abdelrahman, A., Abdel-Aty, M., Lee, J., & Yue, L. (2020). Evaluation of Displaced Left-Turn Intersections. Transportation Engineering, 100006.

  30. Al-Omari, M. E. M. A., Abdel-Aty, M., Lee, J., Yue, L., & Abdelrahman, A. (2020). Safety Evaluation of Median U-Turn Crossover-Based Intersections. Transportation Research Record, 0361198120921158.

  31. Yue, L*., Abdel-Aty, M., Wu, Y., (2019) The Practical Effectiveness of Advanced Driver Assistance Systems at Different Roadway Facilities: System Limitation, Adoption and Usage. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 21(9), 3859-3870.

  32. Yue, L*., Abdel-Aty, M., Lee, J., & Farid, A. (2019). Effects of Signalization at Rural Intersections Considering the Elderly Driving Population. Transportation Research Record, 2673(2), 743-757.

  33. Wu, Y., Abdel-Aty, M., Zheng, O., Cai, Q., & Yue, L. (2019). Developing a Crash Warning System for the Bike Lane Area at Intersections with Connected Vehicle Technology. Transportation Research Record, 2673(4), 47-58.

  34. Yue, L., Abdel-Aty, M., & Wu, Y. (2019). The Crash Avoidance Effectiveness of Advanced Driver Assistance Systems in Real-World Environment. In International Conference on Transportation and Development 2019: Smarter and Safer Mobility and Cities (pp. 41-51). Reston, VA: American Society of Civil Engineers.

  35. Yue, L*., Abdel-Aty, M., Wu, Y., & Wang, L. (2018). Assessment of the Safety Benefits of Vehicles’ Advanced Driver Assistance, Connectivity and Low-Level Automation Systems. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 117, 55-64.

  36. Chen, X., Yue, L*., & Han, H. (2018). Overtaking Disturbance on a Moped-Bicycle-Shared Bicycle Path and Corresponding New Bicycle Path Design Principles. Journal of Transportation Engineering, Part A: Systems, 144(9), 04018048.

  37. Yue, L., Abdel-Aty, M., & Wang, L. (2018). Assessment of The Safety Benefits of Connected Vehicle Technologies. The 97th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington D.C., U.S.


  1. 面向L3/L4自动驾驶下驾驶员安全接管模型研究,华为公司 

  2. 险态场景人机交互机理与驾驶增强方法,国家自然科学基金

  3. 自动驾驶在线测试理论与共性关键技术测评,国家自然科学基金重点项目

  4. 智能汽车人机交互安全影响评估与优化,上海市2023年度“科技创新行动计划”软科学研究项目

  5. 驾驶员行为建模技术,华为公司

  6. Investigating the Effects of Cooperative Driving for CAVs in Different Driving Scenarios Using Multi-Driver Simulator Experiments (founded by U.S. DOT University Transportation Center (SAFER-SIM), 2021-2022)

  7. Investigation of Merge Strategies at Ramp Area in Connected Vehicle Environment based on Multi-Driver Simulator System (founded by U.S. DOT University Transportation Center (SAFER-SIM), 2020-2021)

  8. Improving Multimodal Traffic Safety for Multi-Lane Arterials (founded by Florida Department of Transportation, 2020-2022)

  9. Investigating the Effects of Smartphone-based P2V Warning using Driving Simulator Experiments (founded by U.S. DOT University Transportation Center (SAFER-SIM), 2019-2021).

  10. Investigation of Driving Behavior at Alternative Intersection Designs and Safety Improvement: A Driver Simulator Study (founded by U.S. DOT University Transportation Center (SAFER-SIM), 2019-2021)

  11. Assessing the Effectiveness of Connected Vehicle Technologies based on Driving Simulator Experiments (founded by U.S. DOT University Transportation Center (SAFER-SIM), 2018-2020).

  12. Evaluation of Innovative Alternative Intersection Designs in the Development of Safety Performance Functions and Crash Modification Factors (founded by Florida Department of Transportation, 2017-2020).


  • IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles

  • IEEE Signal Processing Letters

  • IEEE Vehicular Technology Magazine

  • IEEE Transactions on ITS

  • IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing

  • Transport Policy

  • Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice

  • Sensors

  • IET Intelligent Transport Systems

  • Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems: Technology, Planning, and Operations

  • Journal of Transportation Engineering, Part A: Systems

  • Journal of Safety Research

  • Journal of Transportation Safety & Security

  • Journal of Advanced Transportation

  • Transportation Injury Prevention

  • Accident Analysis and Prevention

  • Transportation Research Record









2024 金砖国家工业创新大赛人工智能大模型赛道铜奖,作品:大模型支持下的智能座舱盲区影像显示优化

2023 全国交通科技大赛一等奖,作品:强交互场景下驾驶行为的情绪影响机制及AEB应用

2023 同济大学交通科技大赛三等奖,作品:人机共驾中系统信任度动态估计

最近更新:2022年1月6日 22:39:34

电话:021-69583650  管理员邮箱:2015qgy@tongji.edu.cn  
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