



——  孙  剑  教  授  课  题  组  ——
倪颖 副教授

倪颖 副教授

性别 出生年月 1984-11
最终学历 博士 职称 副教授
E-mail ying_ni@tongji.edu.cn







  • 2023.1至今   同济大学交通运输工程学院交通工程系 长聘副教授

  • 2014.9~2015.9  美国加州大学伯克利分校 访问学者

  • 2013.12~2022.12 同济大学交通运输工程学院交通工程系 副教授

  • 2010.2~2013.11  同济大学交通运输工程学院交通工程系 讲师


  • 2008.1~2010.1:国家公派留学德国达姆施塔特工业大学 交通规划与交通工程研究所,获博士学位

  • 2007.3~2008.1:同济大学交通运输工程学院 交通信息工程及控制专业 提前攻读博士学位

  • 2005.9~2007.3:同济大学交通运输工程学院 交通信息工程及控制专业 攻读硕士学位

  • 2001.9~2005.6:东南大学交通学院 交通工程专业 获学士学位


  1. 交通仿真技术(上海市重点课程)

  2. 交通工程

  3. 交通环境工程

  4. 交通管理与控制(全英文课程)

  5. 交通系统分析(全英文课程)


  • 主持纵向项目:

  1. 国家自然科学基金(52272313)人机混驾环境下车-车交互机制解析、实验与优化,2023-2026

  2. 国家自然科学基金(52072262):机非混行环境非机动车交互行为建模与深度仿真,2021-2024 

  3. 国家重点研发计划 (2019YFB1600204):大规模交通网络混合交通流微观仿真技术, 2019-2022

  4. 上海市人力资源保障局,浦江人才计划 (WZ0160020172376), 城市道路慢行交通系统出行品质评价与提升对策研究, 2017-2019

  5. 同济大学交通运输工程高峰学科开放基金,共享空间非机动车交通流建模与仿真,2016-2017

  6. 国家自然科学基金青年基金(51308411):信号交叉口行人过街风险评估模型研究,2014-2016

  7. 中央高校基本科研业务费(优秀青年教师计划): 非机动车路径选择决策行为研究,2015-2017

  8. 教育部博士点新教师基金(20120072120024):交叉口行人信号配时动态优化方法研究,2013-2015

  9. 教育部留学回国人员科研启动基金:城市道路信号交叉口行人安全服务水平研究,2012-2014

  10. 同济大学青年优秀人才培养行动计划: 信号交叉口行人安全综合评价方法研究,2010-2012

  • 参与纵向项目:

  1. 国家重点研发计划重点专项,车路协同一体化仿真与典型场景测试验证,2019-2022

  2. 国家自然科学基金重点项目(U1764261):智能汽车路径规划与自主决策理论及关键技术,2018-2020

  3. 上海市曙光计划(18SG21):智能网联汽车环境下交通流建模与仿真,2018-2021

  4. 国家自然科学基金(51422812):交通系统仿真与实验,2015-2017

  5. 中央高校基础研究重点项目(1600144801):共享空间交通流建模及仿真,2015-2016

  6. 上海市科委国际科技合作项目(16510711400):面向智能汽车快速测试与自我学习的交通仿真系统研究,2016-2019

  7. 863计划“大城市区域交通协同联动控制关键技术”课题五(2011AA110305):特殊需求下区域交通协同管控技术,2011-2013

  8. 国家自然科学基金:干线协调的公交优先规划与控制关键技术研究(51178343),2012-2015

  9. 国家自然科学基金重点项目:演变中的现代城市道路交通系统集成设计基础理论与方法(51238008),2013-2017

  • 主持横向项目:

  1. 华为公司:车路协同价值应用场景研究及价值估计,2019-2020

  2. 德国PTV公司:高可信度交通仿真关键技术研究,2016-2017

  • 参与横向项目:

  1. 上汽集团:基于智能优化算法交通参与者模拟干扰方法研究,2019-2020

  2. 腾讯公司:虚拟交通流模型集成研究,2019-2020

  3. 华为公司:智能汽车交通流仿真与测试技术研究,2019-2020

  4. 百度公司:智能汽车虚拟测试交通流仿真模型,2018-2019

  5. 德国PTV公司:智能汽车虚拟测试与人工智能训练方法研究,2017-2018

  6. 上海国际汽车城:智能汽车驾驶场景库分析与加速测试方法,2017-2018

  7. 上海国际汽车城:智能汽车自我学习与人工智能训练系统,2017-2018

  8. 上海国际汽车城:面向智能网联汽车快速测试的虚拟仿真平台研究,2016-2017

  • 咨询项目:

  1. 上海国际汽车城(集团)有限公司,上海国际汽车城智能车联网规划研究,2015-2016

  2. 上海市科委:基于V2X的交通控制与诱导关键技术研究及应用示范

  3. 南陵县交通局:南陵县公交规划,2014

  4. 上海市城市综合交通规划研究所委托项目:上海市交叉口人性化设计研究, 2012-2013

  5. 上海市城市综合交通规划研究所委托项目:上海市中心城居住区配建停车规模和周边道路影响研究,2011-2012

  6. 上海市城市综合交通规划研究所委托项目:提高信号交叉口通行效率对策研究,2010-2011


  • 国际期刊论文

  1. Li, Y., Ni, Y., & Sun, J., 2020. A Modified Social Force Model for High-density Through Bicycle Flow at Mixed-traffic Intersections. Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory, 108(1).

  2. Li, Y., Ni, Y., Sun, J., Ma, Z., 2020. Modeling the illegal lane-changing behavior of bicycles on road segments: Considering lane-changing categories and bicycle heterogeneity, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 541(5).

  3. Ni, Y., Chen, J., 2020. Exploring the Effects of the Built Environment on Two Transfer Modes for Metros: Dockless Bike Sharing and Taxis, Sustainability, 12(5).

  4. Xie, N., Li, H., Zhao, W., Ni, Y., Liu, C., Zhang, Y., Xu, Z., 2019. Measurement of dynamic vibration in cycling using portable terminal measurement system, IET Intelligent Transport Systems, 13(3): 469-474.

  5. Liu, Q., Sun, J., Tian, Y., Ni, Y., Yu, S., 2019. Modeling and Simulation of Nonmotorized Vehicles' Dispersion at Mixed Flow Intersections, Journal of Advanced Transportation, 0-9127062.

  6. Liu, Z., Li, K., Ni, Y., 2017. Optimization of bus stops layout under the conditions of coordinated control, Transportation Research Procedia, 25: 1585-1596.

  7. Liu, Z., Li, K., Ni, Y., 2017. Prediction of arrival flow profile of transit stream on link, Transportation Research Procedia, 25: 1213-1226.

  8. Song, R., Ni, Y., Li, K., 2017. Understanding cyclists' risky route choice behavior on urban road sections, Transportation Research Procedia, 25: 4161-4174.

  9. Ni, Y., Cao, Y., Li, K., 2017. Pedestrians' Safety Perception at Signalized Intersections in Shanghai, Transportation Research Procedia, 25.

  10. Ni, Y., Wang, M., Sun, J., Li, K., 2016. Evaluation of Pedestrian Safety at Intersections: A Theoretical Framework Based on Pedestrian-Vehicle Interaction Patterns. Accident Analysis and Prevention 96, 118-129.

  11. Ni, Y., Evaluating Pedestrian Level of Service at Signalized Intersections in China:Intercept Survey Method, Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2015, 2519: 75-84.

  12. Ni, Y., Li, K., 2014. Estimating Rear-End Accident Probabilities at Signalized Intersections: A Comparison Study of Intersections with and without Green Signal Countdown Devices. Traffic Injury Prevention 15, 583-590.

  13. Tang, K., Dong, S., Wang, F., Ni, Y., Sun, J., 2013. Driver Behavior of E-Bikes at the Onset of Green and Yellow at Signalized Intersections in China. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board 2317, 85-96.

  14. Tang, K., Dong, S., Wang, F., Ni, Y., Sun, J., Behavior of Riders of Electric Bicycles at Onset of Green and Yellow at Signalized Intersections in China, TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH RECORD, 2012, (2317): 85-96. 

  15. Sun, J., Zhou, S., Li, K., Ni, Y., 2012. Evaluation of Safety Factors at Chinese Intersections. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Transport 165(3), 195-204.

  16. Sun, J., Dong, S., Bing, X., Ni, Y., 2012. Comparative Study of Impacts of Red Light Cameras in China. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board 2317, 68-75.

  17. Ni, Y., Li, K., 2010. Pedestrian Signal Violation at Intersections in China and in Germany. Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology 19(2).

  • 国内期刊论文

  1. 李逸昕, 倪颖, 孙剑, 混合交通流交叉口共享空间交互行为建模及仿真, 交通运输系统工程与信息, 2021, 已录用.

  2. 倪颖, 辛榴燕, 龙柯宇, 机非交互的交叉口右转机动车行为建模与仿真, 同济大学学报(自然科学版), 2019, (07): 1-10.

  3. 倪颖, 李逸昕, 李旭红, 孙剑, 机非物理隔离路段非机动车行为建模仿真, 同济大学学报(自然科学版), 2019, (06): 778-786.

  4. 李克平, 倪颖, 城市道路交叉口行人过街信号控制问题分析, 城市交通, 2018, (05): 71-78.

  5. 李克平, 倪颖, 科学设置行人清空信号 破解行人“过街难”问题, 汽车与安全, 2018, (09): 86-88.

  6. 倪颖, 杨超; 唐克双; 许项东, 《交通系统理论》全英语教学的实践体会与几点思考, 教育教学论坛, 2017, (05): 176-178. 

  7. 刘洋, 李克平, 倪颖, 基于轨迹的交叉口机非冲突特性研究, 交通科技, 2016, (01): 146-149.

  8. 柳祖鹏, 李克平; 倪颖, 考虑停靠服务的公交到车率分布预测, 中国公路学报, 2015, (01): 87-94.

  9. 李克平, 倪颖, 城市道路交叉口精细化规划设计与控制管理, 城市交通, 2014, (05): 54-59.

  10. 柳祖鹏, 倪颖, 李克平, 干线关键断面的到车率分布预测, 同济大学学报(自然科学版), 2014, (05): 714-720.

  11. 董玉璞, 李克平, 倪颖. 基于相位优先度规则的单点公交优先控制策略[J]. 同济大学学报(自然科学版), 2014, 42(8): 1181-1189.

  12. 柳祖鹏, 李克平, 倪颖. 基于绿灯需求度的单点公交信号优先控制策略[J]. 同济大学学报(自然科学版), 2013, 41(3): 408-414.

  13. 李克平, 倪颖. 信号控制交叉口行人过街交通组织与控制[J]. 城市交通, 2011, (1): 71-77.

  14. 苏涛永; 张建慧; 李金良; 倪颖,城市交通碳排放影响因素实证研究——来自京津沪渝面板数据的证据,工业工程与管理, 2011, (05): 134-138. 

  15. 倪颖, 李克平. 基于关键冲突车流的交叉口饱和度计算及应用[J]. 武汉理工大学学报(交通科学与工程版), 2010, (01): 31-34.

  16. 李克平, 杨佩昆, 倪颖. 城市道路交叉口信号控制中的黄灯问题[J]. 城市交通, 2010, 08(4): 67-72.

  17. 刘光新; 李克平; 倪颖, 交叉口行人过街心理及交通行为分析, 交通科技与经济, 2008, (05).

  • 国际/国内会议论文

  1. Y. L. Yang, Y. Ni*, J. Sun, Y. X. Li, Characterizing the Cyclist's Heterogeneity and Incorporating It into Bicycle-following Models, Presented at Transportation Research Board of the National Academies, Washington, D. C. 2022.

  2. Y. X. Li, Y. Ni*, J. Sun, Microscopic Modelling of the Bicycle Multi-interaction via a Comfort Zone-based Approach, Presented at Transportation Research Board of the National Academies, Washington, D. C. 2022.

  3. Li, Y., Ni, Y.*, Sun, J., 2021. Modeling and Simulation of High-density Through Bicycle Flow at Mixed-traffic Intersections, Presented at the 100th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C.

  4. Wang, S., Ni, Y.*, Sun, J., Hua, X.,Optimization of Regional Multimodal Traffic Structure on System Level,CICTP 2020. (In Press)

  5. Chen, J., Ni, Y.*, Effects of the Built Environment on Dockless Bike Sharing for Metro Transfer: a Case Study of Beijing, CICTP 2020. (In Press)

  6. Li, Y., Ni, Y.*, J. Sun, Y. J. Ye, Modeling and Simulation of Mixed Vehicles and Bicycles Flow on Urban Road Segments, CICTP 2020.

  7. Li, K., Xiang, J, Yu, X., Ni, Y., Analysis and Optimization of Pedestrian Traffic Signal at Intersections, CICTP 2019.

  8. Zhou, S., Ni, Y., Transportation Policy, Planning, and Modeling,CICTP 2018.

  9. Ni, Y., Zhou, S., 2018. Effects of Dockless Bike on Modal Shift in Metro Commuting: A Pilot Study in Shanghai, Presented at the 97th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C.

  10. Ni Y., Li, X., 2018. Modeling and Simulation of the Heterogeneous Non-motor Traffic Flow on Physically Separated Bicycle Roadways in China, Presented at the 97th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C.

  11. Ni, Y., 2017. Effects of Refuge Island Settings on Pedestrian Safety Perception and Signal Violation at Signalized Intersections, Presented at the 96th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C.

  12. Ni, Y., 2017. Exploring Factors Influencing Bicyclists’Degree of Satisfaction in Shanghai, China, Presented at the 96th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C.

  13. Ni, Y., 2017. Modeling and Simulation of Right-turn Vehicle Behaviors Under Influences of Conflicting Bicycles at Intersection, Presented at the 96th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C.

  14. Ni, Y., 2017. Simulating Pedestrian Signal Violation at Signalized Intersections with Pedestrian Two-Stage Crossing, Presented at the 96th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C.

  15. Liu, Z., Li, K., Ni, Y.*, 2016. Optimization of bus stops layout under the conditions of coordinated control, in 14th World Conference on Transport Research (WCTR).

  16. Ni, Y., Cao, Y., Li, K., 2016. Pedestrians' Safety Perception at Signalized Intersections in Shanghai, in 14th World Conference on Transport Research (WCTR).

  17. Liu, Z., Li, K., Ni, Y., 2016. Prediction of arrival flow profile of transit stream on link, in 14th World Conference on Transport Research (WCTR).

  18. Song, R., Ni, Y., Li, K., 2016. Understanding cyclists' risky route choice behavior on urban road sections, in 14th World Conference on Transport Research (WCTR).

  19. Ni Y., Wang M., 2016. Pedestrian-Vehicle Conflict Appropriate Conflict Indicators According to Pedestrian-Vehicle Interaction Patterns, Presented at the 95th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C.

  20. Rao, M., Ni, Y., 2016. Pedestrian-vehicle Conflict Risk Analysis in Different Right-turn Signal Schemes at Intersections, Presented at the 95th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C.

  21. Ni, Y., Wang, M., Behavior-based Method on Pedestrian-Vehicle Conflict Analysis at Intersections, Presented at the 94th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C. 2015.

  22. Wang, S., Ni, Y., Liu, Z., Li, K., A Comparison of Transit Signal Priority Strategies with Multi-step Detection at Isolated Intersections, in 18th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ISTP), Spain, 2015.

  23. Wang, S., Ni, Y., Effects of Wireless Telephone Use on Rear-End Collision Potential, CICTP 2015.

  24. Ni, Y., Impacts of Chinese’s new regulation of yellow signal on driving behavior and rear-end collision potential, Presented at the 93rd Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C. 2014.

  25. Ni, Y., Deng, T., Li, K., 2014. Pedestrian Accommodation in Intersection Signal System: A Rule-Based Dynamic Pedestrian Control Strategy, Presented at the 93rd Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C.

  26. Ling, Z., Ni, Y., Christopher R. Cherry; Keping Li, Pedestrian Level of Service at Signalized Intersections in China Using Contingent Field Survey and Pedestrian Crossing Video Simulation, Presented at the 93rd Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C. 2014.

  27. Deng, T., Ni, Y., Li, K., 2013. Pedestrian Crossings at Mid-Block Locations: A Comparative Study of Existing Signal Operations, Presented at the 92nd Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C.

  28. Ling, Z., Ni, Y., Li, K., 2013. Analysis of Conflicts between Right-turn Vehicles and Pedestrians under Different Right-Turn Control Schemes: A Comparative Study, Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Transportation Information and Safety.

  29. Ni, Y., Ling, Z., Li, K., 2013. A New Evaluation Method Combining Efficiency and Safety: Multimodal Comprehensive Level of Service of Signalized Intersections, Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Transportation Information and Safety.

  30. Ling, Z., Ni, Y., 2012. Modeling Interactions between Pedestrians and Right-Turn Vehicles at Signalized Intersections, CICTP 2012.

  31. Liu, Z., Li K., Ni, Y., Isolated transit signal priority control strategy based on demand degree of green, 2012 International Conference on System Simulation, ICUSS 2012

  32. Ni, Y., Li, K., 2012. Signal Violation Effects on Pedestrian Delay at Signalized Intersections, Presented at the 91st Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C.

  33. Ni, Y., Li, K., 2011. Modelling Pedestrian Behavior at Signalized Intersections: A Case Study in Shanghai, ICTIS 2011.


       交叉口多模式综合服务水平评价方法 (201210292496.5)



  1. 安徽省地方标准:安徽省城市道路交叉口信号控制规范,DB 34/T 2423—2015

  2. 浙江省工程建设标准:城市道路平面交叉口规划与设计规范,浙江工商大学出版社, 2009

  3. 浙江省工程建设标准:城市道路人行过街规划与设计规范,浙江工商大学出版社,2009


  1. 2021年 中国智能交通协会技术发明奖 一等奖

  2. 2020年 同济大学教学成果奖

  3. 2014年 上海市青年教师讲课竞赛 三等奖

  4. 2013年 上海市科技进步二等奖

  5. 2013年 中国路桥奖教金

  6. 2012年 同济大学优秀毕业论文指导教师

  7. 2012年 同济大学交通运输学院青年教师讲课大赛一等奖

  8. 2012年 同济大学青年教师讲课竞赛二等奖、最佳教学设计奖

最近更新:2021年12月4日 17:53:46

电话:021-69583650  管理员邮箱:2015qgy@tongji.edu.cn  
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